Andrea Su
Andrea是乔治城大学Walsh外交学院的大四学生,研究方向为文化和政治。她是2018 - 2019年美中全球议题学生对话项目成员。

Andrea Su | 2019年8月30日
The Behind-the-Scenes Conversations Response
After two weeks of meetings, three blog posts, and ten months of being a U.S.-China Student Fellow, I would like to share some of the valuable lessons this program has imparted upon me. First, it was unforgettable to hear Madame…

Andrea Su | 2019年7月10日
More Competitive Than Cooperative Response
There are many reasons to view the future of U.S.-China relations favorably, such as globalization making the two economies further intertwined and the rise of a new generation that is better traveled and better exposed to…

Andrea Su | 2019年4月17日
A Different Cold War for a Different Age Response
Comparing the current U.S.-China relationship to the Cold War between the United States and the Soviet Union sheds light on how the nature of global competition has shifted. The comparison is often made due to similarities in the…

Andrea Su | 2018年12月31日
Entrusting the Future of U.S.-China Relations to Youth and Technology Response
When speaking about U.S.-China relations, we often reason from a high-level, state-centric point of view. According to classical international relations theory, the rise of an increasingly powerful China can only be seen as a…