Isabelle Hupez
Isabelle Hupez是乔治城大学沃尔什外交学院全球商务专业大四学生,辅修意大利语。她是美中全球议题对话项目2018-2019学生小组成员。
Isabelle Hupez | 2019年8月29日
Thank You, My Friends Response
There is a common saying in politics, “Where you stand depends on where you sit.” This idea is called the Miles’ Law and is named after Rufus E. Miles, a federal official in the Eisenhower, Kennedy and Johnson administrations…
Isabelle Hupez | 2019年7月11日
Cautious Optimism Response
Although U.S.-China relations have nosedived since President Trump’s election in 2016, I am optimistic about the future of U.S.-China relations over the coming decade. Contrary to what we hear in the media, there is no appetite…
Isabelle Hupez | 2019年4月19日
From Cooperation to Competition Response
The fundamental basis for the U.S.-China relationship has changed. The relations are undergoing a paradigm shift from an economic “win-win” to a vision of “strategic competition.” When China joined the World Trade Organization in…
Isabelle Hupez | 2018年12月31日
How the War on Blue Skies will Maintain U.S.-China Cooperation in a Changing Global Economy Response
The space for cooperation in U.S.-China relations has considerably diminished in the last two years. The reality of hardening U.S.-China tension is that any argument to maintain cooperation on global issues of common concern will…