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响应: 全球卫生与移民

Testing Our Will More Than Anything Else

Professor Zhang Linqi, Tsinghua University


When it comes to human migration, one of the greatest challenges we are facing is undoubtedly the proper control measures against global infectious diseases.  With the advent of cutting-edge technologies and state of the art facilities, preventive and therapeutic measures could be developed in a timely fashion.  However, it appears that the international community as a whole lacks the STRONG WILL and LEADERSHIP to tackle the global infectious diseases ahead of the epidemics.  Despite numerous outbreaks and resultant human and societal consequences, we seem rather complacent about and locked in the passive mode of action to counter epidemics.  The “financial argument” appears more compelling than the “public health priorities”.  It is high time for the international community to recognize the moral and financial obligations to global public health and proactively prepare before potential epidemics break out into full-blown pandemics.  Only in such a preemptive mode of preparedness and collaboration, could we control global infectious diseases in a more effective manner in our-ever increasing magnitude of human migration.
