Junming Cui
Junming Cui是上海纽约大学数学和经济学双学位大二学生。他是美中全球议题对话项目2018-2019学生小组成员。

Junming Cui | 2019年8月30日
Ceiling and Visibility Unlimited—Reflection on the Georgetown Initiative at This Pivotal Moment Response
When I first applied to the program a year ago, I definitely would not have expected such a wild and amazing ride together with the ups and downs of the U.S.-China relations in the past year. Reflecting on the whole program, I…

Junming Cui | 2019年7月10日
The Other Side of the Huawei Ban Response
Since early May, the tension between China and United States has risen to a new peak amid new tariffs and broken negotiation. Instead of talking about my feelings from a broad perspective, this time I want to start from a single…

Junming Cui | 2019年4月18日
China and U.S. at the Crossroad: Is This the Beginning of a New Cold War? Response
In the past year, the relationship between China and the United States has entered an age of confrontation, over trade and investment policies, over technology, and over geopolitical influence. Many thus have been talking about…

Junming Cui | 2019年1月1日
Critical Moment: Is U.S.-China Cooperation Still Possible? Response
We have arrived at a gravely sensitive time for the U.S.-China relationship: the once healthy relationship is increasingly defined by a competition for influence, and the joint interests between China and the United States are not…