Lizhi Liu
- 阿里新乡村研究中心客座研究员。
- 研究项目获得比尔及梅琳达·盖茨基金会、Weiss家庭计划基金会,蒋经国基金会、斯坦福国际发展中心(SCID)和斯坦福发展中经济创新研究所(SEED)等机构资助。
- 曾担任阿里科研Bradley研究员及Huoshui Young学者。
- 文章被《明尼苏达法律评论》和《美国经济评论:洞见》发表或有条件接受。
News: You Be the Judge: How Taobao Crowdsourced Its Courts
In this excerpt from Lizhi Liu’s new book, “From Click to Boom,” the author explores how Taobao tried to democratize its dispute resolution system.
News: Faculty Spotlight: An Interview with Lizhi Liu
The initiative sat down with professor Lizhi Liu to discuss her new book From Click to Boom: The Political Economy of E-Commerce in China and its contributions to understanding the rise of China’s e-commerce industry and China’s broader political…
News: Click, Trust, Prosper
The Wire China published an excerpt of Lizhi Liu's new book From Click to Boom: The Political Economy of E-Commerce in China discussing how China's e-commerce platforms play a critical role in China's political economy by providing market…
News: How Did China’s E-Commerce Model Become the Best in the World?
Lizhi Liu gives an interview with the China-Britain Business Council on her new book From Click to Boom: The Political Economy of E-Commerce in China.

Technology and the Rise of Great Powers Event
When scholars and policymakers consider how technological advances affect the rise and fall of great powers, they draw on theories that center the moment of innovation - the eureka moment that sparks astonishing technological feats. In his new book…
From Click to Boom: The Political Economy of E-Commerce in China Event
Lizhi Liu discussed her new book publication From Click to Boom: The Political Economy of E-Commerce in China (Princeton University Press, forthcoming 2024) in a talk moderated by Abraham Newman. Liu's book examines the ways in which governments…

外包压制:当代中国的日常国家权力 Event
国家们是怎么在将负面反应降低到最低的同时迫使公民服从的?在本次学术研讨会中,多伦多大学教授王惠玲对她2022年出版的新书《外包压制》展开了讨论。Lynette H. Ong考察了中国政府是如何利用例如暴力街头流氓与非暴力的草根经纪人等非国家行为体,在降低成本与减少反对的同时,胁迫与动员群众以实现政府的目的。她引用了2011年至2019年间,也即从胡锦涛时代到习近平时代,每年进行的民族志研究这一独特且原创的数据集与一批政府规章制度,来进行关于中国日常土地征收与房屋拆迁的研究。Lynette H…

Initiative for U.S.-China Dialogue on Global Issues Georgetown Unit
The Georgetown Initiative for U.S.-China Dialogue on Global Issues is a university platform for engagement among scholars, students and practitioners to advance dialogue and promote solutions to global challenges ranging from climate change to peace…
Main Campus Georgetown Unit
The Main Campus is the administrative center of Georgetown University and home to six of its schools: the College of Arts & Sciences, the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, the McDonough School of Business, the McCourt School of Public…

McDonough School of Business Georgetown Unit
Founded in 1957, the McDonough School of Business offers a range of undergraduate, graduate, and executive business education programs.
From Click to Boom: The Political Economy of E-Commerce in China Video
Lizhi Liu discussed her new book publication From Click to Boom: The Political Economy of E-Commerce in China (Princeton University Press, forthcoming 2024). Liu's book examines the ways in which governments strategically outsource tasks of…

Localized Bargaining: The Political Economy of China’s High-Speed Railway Program Video
China's high-speed railway network is one of the largest infrastructure programs in human history. Despite global media coverage, little is known about the political process that led the government to invest in the railway program and the reasons for…

Outsourcing Repression: Everyday State Power in Contemporary China Video
How do states coerce citizens into compliance while simultaneously minimizing backlash? In this seminar, University of Toronto professor Lynette H. Ong discussed her latest book, Outsourcing Repression (2022). Ong examines how the Chinese state…