Xiaogu Xu
Xiaogu (2021级)清华大学大二学生,攻读英语和国际政治双学位,美中议题对话项目2018-2019学员。

Xiaogu Xu | 2019年8月29日
Flying Reflections on the U.S.-China Student Fellows Program Response
Time flies. I remember last July when I recorded my application video, I was at a summer school at Christ Church, Oxford. And right now I am writing this final blog, which marks the end of this one-year long program, on a flight…

Xiaogu Xu | 2019年7月12日
Pessimism Doesn’t Help Address Divergent Interests between China and United States Response
The United States and China are going through a critical moment in their relationship. To predict the future of U.S.-China relations over the coming decade requires us to understand what shapes U.S.-China relations. In other…

Xiaogu Xu | 2019年4月19日
Avoid Ideological Conflict Response
On March 5, 1946, former British Prime Minister Winston Churchill delivered his most famous post-World War Ⅱ address “The Sinews of Peace”, also commonly referred to as “Iron Curtain Speech” in United States. It was considered to…

Xiaogu Xu | 2019年1月1日
Constructive Competition Between China and the U.S. Response
The world is changing from a unipolar system to a bipolar system and China is going to be one of the two poles. China is rising and its influence is growing. However, it is precisely because of the transition from the unipolar…