Aaron Baum
Aaron 是乔治城大学东亚商业和政治专业大三学生,同时正攻读国际商业外交荣誉证书项目。他是美中全球议题对话项目2018-2019学生小组成员。
Aaron Baum | 2019年8月28日
Building Empathy: Hotpot and Pop Music Response
The world needs more programs like the Initiative for U.S.-China Dialogue on Global Issues. Not because we need more round-tables, think pieces, or debates; we need more dialogue because we need more empathy. This topic is tough…
Aaron Baum | 2019年7月10日
People's War Response
A nationalistic tune titled “Trade War” made the rounds on Chinese social media in May following the breakdown in U.S.-China trade talks. Written by retired Chinese official Zhao Liangtian, the song is set to the tune of a wartime…
Aaron Baum | 2019年4月18日
A Cold War by Any Other Name Response
The Economist was right to call the U.S.-China relationship a “new kind of cold war” in May, but they called it decades too late. Since China opened up, it has treated the rest of the world as a strategic, national security threat…
Aaron Baum | 2018年12月31日
From Foe to Friend and Back Again Response
It took just eight months for China to shape shift from the second greatest threat in the fight against the Soviet Union to America’s greatest ally in that decades-long battle. China’s military capabilities did not change between…