Evan Medeiros
Evan Medeiros是Walsh外交学院Penner Family亚洲研究首席教授,也是乔治城大学美中全球议题对话项目的高级研究员。同时,他也是Cling Family美中研究的杰出研究员,与亚洲研究计划合作,专注于扩大对中国的接触与研究。Medeiros拥有伦敦经济学院国际关系博士学位,剑桥大学哲学硕士学位,伦敦大学东方和非洲研究学院的中国硕士学位,以及贝茨学院的分析哲学学士学位。
In the News:
- Provided testimony to the U.S. House of Representatives Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence
- Moderated the virtual event “U.S.-China Decoupling: Separating Myth From Reality”
- Co-authored article in Foreign Affairs magazine, “The Pandemic Won’t Make China the World’s Leader”
Featured in:
Participating in:
News: China Global Podcast: Beijing's Approach Toward a Second Trump Presidency
In this episode with the German Marshall Fund's China Global Podcast, Evan Medeiros discusses China's approach towards the new Trump administration and the likely trajectory of U.S.-China relations in the coming four years.
News: Xi Has a Plan for Retaliating Against Trump’s Gamesmanship
In this op-ed for the Financial Times, Evan Medeiros examines Xi Jinping's strategy for managing the incoming Trump administration and its China policies. He argues that Beijing's responses to Trump fall into three baskets: retaliation, adaptation…
News: U.S.-China Relations Will Depend On Which Trump Shows Up
In this op-ed for the Financial Times, Evan Medeiros assesses the future of U.S.-China relations under the new Trump administration.
News: Election 2024: Cooperation, Competition, or War with China?
In this podcast episode with Pod Save the World, Evan Medeiros provides an overview of Washington's views of China and how the 2024 U.S. election will shape the future of U.S. policy towards China.
News: Defining Success: Does the United States Need an “End State” for Its China Policy?
Read Evan Medeiros' contribution in this recent CSIS report on whether the United States needs to more clearly define the end goals for its China policy. Medeiros argues that U.S. strategy towards China requires both a well-articulated end state and…
News: Faculty Spotlight: An Interview with Evan Medeiros
The initiative sat down with Evan Medeiros to reflect on his career at the National Security Council and current research on U.S.-China relations.
News: China Outlook: Evan Medeiros on the China’s Complex, Competitive Relations with the U.S. and EU
In this interview with The Asia Group's Tea Leaves podcast, Evan Medeiros discusses the expanding scope of U.S.-China and E.U.-China competition in the spheres of security, economics, technology, and governance, commenting on recent bilateral…
News: The Future According to Xi and Putin
News: Inside China's New Diplomatic Push
News: The Delusion of Peak China
News: 乌克兰在中美对抗中给了欧洲一张关键的摇摆选票
这篇英国《金融时报》评论文章由美中对话项目高级研究员麦艾文(Evan Medeiros)撰写,对欧洲领导人在乌克兰危机上应该如何面对中国提出了建议。
News: Can America Rebuild Its Power in Asia?
本文由美中对话项目高级研究员Evan Medeiros与Michael Green撰写,并于《外交》杂志上发表。本文主要分析为重新建立美国在亚洲的控制力,拜登政府应该采取何种行动。
News: China and the US: competition or conflict?
News: 前美国政府官员就新对华战略提出建议
News: 中国新任驻美大使斥责美国:“请闭嘴”
News: 美国副国务卿谢尔曼在对话会谈中强调中美关系中的“护栏”
News: 中国在恶化的外交僵局中冷落美国高级官员
News: 拜登推动与北京官员的高级别会面
News: 中国共产党准备好迎接未来了吗?
News: 持续对华批评标志着政策转折点
News: 五角大楼中国工作组提供的大部分建议继续作为机密保存
News: 项目高级研究员Evan Medeiros在美国参议院军事委员会发表证词
News: 中国、中美关系以及中国与世界的关系
News: 东亚的大国博弈
本文是美国外交关系委员会预防行动中心发布的“全球问题治理”系列的一部分。该系列探讨了如何促进全球大国之间的稳定和互利关系。 作者麦艾文是美中对话项目战略管理研究小组召集人、乔治城大学美中全球议题对话项目高级研究员。
News: 庞然大物还是一击即溃:引发美国对华问题争论的五个谜团
本文发表于国家安全论坛“暗礁之战”(War on the Rocks),讨论了拜登政府将如何在对华问题上达成政治共识。本文由美中战略竞争管理研究小组成员、乔治城大学美中全球议题对话项目高级研究员麦艾文(Evan Medeiros)和美国国际战略研究中心费和中国研究冠名主任Jude Blanchette共同撰写。
News: 美国能否恢复其在亚洲的信誉? 严峻形势需要雄心勃勃的新战略
News: 麦艾文: 拜登将如何与中国相处?
News: 麦艾文: 台海冲突的风险
News: 美国放松对台关系的限制恐将激怒中国
News: 纽约证交所开始将中国三大国有电信集团退市
News: 分析人士指出,大选过后中美就台湾问题的对话需继续
News: 高级研究员麦艾文接受 The Tea Leaves播客访谈
News: 加拿大众议院加中关系特别委员会关于香港问题的证词
本篇证词为麦艾文(Evan Medeiros)于2020年8月17日就加拿大、美国及香港问题所提供的陈述。由加拿大众议院加中关系特别委员会发表。
News: 为何拜登或会继续特朗普对华强硬政策
News: 中美关系的未来在何方?
News: 领馆关闭将中美关系推向新的深渊
News: 台湾将是下一个香港吗?
News: 美国将中国排除于新冠研究项目
News: 新冠疫情后的中美关系及其在国家安全和情报方面的影响
本证词由美国众议院情报常设委员会发布,是麦艾文(Evan Medeiros)在2020年7月1日关于新冠疫情后的中美关系所发表的陈述。
News: 中美即将进入“信息冬天”
News: 特朗普取消香港特殊贸易地位
News: 失去自由的香港未来会怎样
News: 香港国安法
News: 美方称香港失去了作为中国特区的自治权
News: 中国在香港的镇压行动可能使特朗普处于不受欢迎的位置
News: 中美两国:走向新冷战?
News: 新冠危机:麦艾文(Evan Medeiros)谈疫情对亚洲地缘政治的影响
News: 新冠疫情将对已经紧张的中美关系继续施压
News: 中美关系变化的基础
本文是《华盛顿季刊》的精选内容。该杂志特别关注国际事务,涵盖的主题包括全球安全,外交关系和政策影响。Evan Medeiros是美中战略合作管理研究小组召集人、美中全球议题对话项目高级研究员。
News: 特朗普在华信誉暴跌
News: 前美国驻华大使称,在新的“冷战”中,中美两国将面临比苏联时代“更困难”的挑战
News: 美国对华政策辩论专家之间爆发代际冲突
News: 特朗普政府批准向台湾出售F-16战斗机
News: 一个危机正在亚洲浮现,而美国是唯一一个可以解决它的角色
News: 中美必须调停对抗,否则他们将面临灾难的风险

Affluence Without Influence: The Inducement Dilemma in China’s Economic Statecraft Event
When can economic inducements—like foreign aid, large-scale investment initiatives, and discounted sales of natural resources—buy influence abroad? Zenobia Chan argues that inducements can be lucrative to not just the recipient but also the sender.…

Under the Nuclear Shadow: China’s Information-Age Weapons in International Security Event
Fiona Cunningham joined Evan Medeiros to discuss her forthcoming book, Under the Nuclear Shadow: China’s Information-Age Weapons in International Security (2025). Among states facing the dilemma of fighting limited wars, only China has given…

The Complex Domestic Politics of U.S.-China Relations Event
While geopolitical tensions continue to define much of the U.S.-China relationship, changing domestic politics in both countries — often underappreciated and little understood — have become a major factor in this great power rivalry. Over the past…

Cold Rivals: The New Era of U.S.-China Strategic Competition Event
The U.S.-China relationship is now defined by "strategic competition." In Cold Rivals: The New Era of U.S.-China Strategic Competition (2023), a distinguished group of scholars from the United States and China examine the reasons for this…

Assessing China’s Influence in South Asia Event
China balances a set of complex relationships with its neighbors in South Asia. Tensions with India extend not only to an unsettled border where clashes have broken out, but also to broader regional competition for influence across the Indian…

China-Russia Relations: Peers, Allies, Competitors? Event
Earlier this year, Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin declared that there was “no limit” to their partnership and “no forbidden” areas of cooperation. The conflict in Ukraine further probes this relationship, with…

习近平时代及未来的民间外交 Event

拜登任期百日的中美关系 Event
令一些观察家感到惊讶的是,拜登政府在上任的头几个月对中国采取了直接的、有时甚至是对抗性的立场。 中国也采取了同样的行动,对美国的批评变得更加苛刻。在贸易、技术、安全和人权问题上,美国政府的重点一直放在管理战略竞争和集结盟友上。 中国分析家对拜登政府迄今为止对中国和远东地区的态度如何评价? 未来将有什么危险和机遇? 本次线上对话将邀请来自中美两国的著名学者就这些问题进行讨论。

中美5G全球竞争的幕后故事 Event

中美脱钩:谜团与现实 Event

中美关系展望:新冠疫情所带来的挑战与机遇 Event
本次活动将邀请来自中美两国的四位著名专家就如下关键问题进行对话:1、新冠疫情对目前中美关系的影响; 2、在11月美国总统大选前两国关系改善的前景; 3、新冠危机对两国双边关系和亚洲地缘政治的长期影响。

香港抗议活动 Event
郭荣铿是香港特别行政区立法会议员。在此次讨论中,他从立法会议员和香港居民的角度,介绍了香港最近的抗议活动。Walsh外交学院亚洲研究项目教授兼主任Michael Green博士以及Penner Family亚洲研究首席教授Evan Medeiros博士参加了此次对话。本次讨论是一次非正式访谈。

“竞争管理与中美关系的未来”学术研讨会 Event

Faculty Spotlight: An Interview with Evan Medeiros Feature
Coordinating Asia Policy at the NSC
Before joining President Barack Obama’s national security team, Medeiros was a senior political scientist at the RAND corporation and served for a year as a policy advisor for U.S. Secretary of the Treasury Hank…

U.S. and Chinese Scholars Launch New Book on Strategic Competition in U.S.-China Relations Feature
Cold Rivals
The downturn in U.S.-China relations since 2016 has raised the specter of a new cold war. The Georgetown University Initiative for U.S.-China Dialogue on Global Issues has sponsored several workshops with leading U.S. and Chinese scholars…

Evan Medeiros, Wang Jisi, and Michael Green | 2020年4月26日
COVID-19与中国在2020年美国大选中扮演的角色 Response
Evan Medeiros
I think in the upcoming presidential election you're going to see China be as much, if not more, of an issue as the 1992 election after Tiananmen. In fact I think it's probably going to be worse.
The Tiananmen Massacre was repugnant to…

Wang Jisi, Evan Medeiros, Michael Green, and Wu Xinbo | 2020年4月26日
中美关系中的台湾问题令人担忧 Response
Wang Jisi
I think there is a potential flash point in Taiwan. Tsai Ing-wen will be inaugurated on May 20 as the Taiwanese leader. The kind of gesture the United States makes around her inauguration will have some implications for China-U.S. relations…

Evan Medeiros, Wang Jisi, and Wu Xinbo | 2020年4月26日
COVID-19危机与中美互相指责 Response
Evan Medeiros
The timing of the COVID-19 crisis is highly unfortunate for U.S.-China relations. It's really going to just accelerate this movement towards strategic competition. This should have been a period of substantial cooperation between the…

The New Domestic Politics of U.S.-China Relations Publication
In this report published by the Asia Society Policy Institute's Center for China Analysis, Evan S. Medeiros substantial new dynamics at play in both countries that have had an increasingly negative impact on U.S.-China ties. In the United States…

美国能在亚洲重建控制力吗? Publication
本文由美中对话项目高级研究员Evan Medeiros与Michael Green撰写,并于《外交》杂志上发表。本文主要分析为重新建立美国在亚洲的控制力,拜登政府应该采取何种行动。

台湾会是下一个香港吗? Publication
本文由乔治城大学外交学院亚洲研究项目Michael Green教授和和麦艾文(Evan Medeiros)教授撰写,刊登于《外交》杂志。文章讨论了《中华人民共和国国家安全法》对香港的影响以及对台湾的意义。

Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service Georgetown Unit
The Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service was founded in 1919 as the first school of international affairs in the United States. It offers a range of undergraduate and graduate programs in Washington, D.C., and through Georgetown's campus in…
Main Campus Georgetown Unit
The Main Campus is the administrative center of Georgetown University and home to six of its schools: the College of Arts & Sciences, the Edmund A. Walsh School of Foreign Service, the McDonough School of Business, the McCourt School of Public…

Under the Nuclear Shadow: China’s Information-Age Weapons in International Security Video
Join us for a book talk with Fiona Cunningham in conversation with Evan Medeiros to discuss her forthcoming book, Under the Nuclear Shadow: China’s Information-Age Weapons in International Security (2025). Among states facing the dilemma of fighting…

China and the UN Human Rights Regime Video
China is consistently elected to serve on the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC), where it is currently serving its sixth three-year term. Although China engages at the UNHRC and has ratified and signed a number of international human rights…

Unpacking China's Multilateral Initiatives: GDI, GSI, GCI Video
Over the past several years, China has proposed a trio of initiatives–the Global Development Initiative (GDI), the Global Security Initiative (GSI), and the Global Civilization Initiative (GCI). In some ways, this set of initiatives is a repackaging…

BRI in Crisis? The Future of the Belt and Road Initiative Video
Fall 2023 marks 10 years of Chinese leader Xi Jinping’s ambitious Belt and Road Initiative (BRI), arguably Beijing’s most significant development and foreign policy instrument. While the BRI has become a hallmark of China’s foreign relations, the…

中国在全球南方的崛起:中东、非洲、与北京的另类世界秩序 Video

从美国与中国视角看美国政治 Video

Taiwan and the Future of U.S. Defense Strategy in Asia Video
Taiwan has found itself increasingly at the center of tensions between the United States and the People’s Republic of China. While policy disagreements between Taipei and Beijing over the self-governed island’s status are not new, Beijing has…

China-Russia Relations: Peers, Allies, Competitors? Video
Earlier this year, Chinese President Xi Jinping and his Russian counterpart Vladimir Putin declared that there was “no limit” to their partnership and “no forbidden” areas of cooperation. The conflict in Ukraine further probes this relationship, with…

Looking Forward: People-to-People Under Xi and Beyond? Video
Despite what appears to be a fraying of the U.S.-China relationship at the executive level, what are the prospects for the future of people-to-people exchanges? This event explored how rising geopolitical tensions with China have re-calibrated U.S…

Xi's China and the Narrowing of People-to-People Contacts Video
For many years, leaders in the United States and China viewed expanding the scope and frequency of interpersonal interactions as a viable path to stabilizing their relationship. However, the increasingly palpable tension between Washington and…

Deciphering the Future of U.S.-China Economic Relations Video
U.S.-China economic relations have been the center of attention for multiple stakeholders as strategic competition has become a core element of the overall relationship. Yet, at the same time, U.S. and Chinese business interests have a huge financial…

First 100 Days of U.S.-China Relations under President Biden Video
To the surprise of some observers, the Biden administration has adopted a frank and sometimes confrontational stance towards China during its first several months in office. China has done the same, with the critique of the United States becoming…

美国的对台政策:关于战略性模糊与亚洲安全未来的讨论 Video
近几个月来,台海紧张局势迅速升级,这使人们猜测,两岸稳定的基本基础正在受到侵蚀。中国大陆增加军事演习并在整体上对台湾施加更多压力,台湾精英和民众公开拒绝“一国两制”和“九二共识”,华盛顿也试图进一步支持台湾,引发对于美国 “一个中国”政策框架基本特征的质疑。近日,美国知名学者呼吁美国政策改变其战略性模糊,明确在台湾受中国大陆攻击情况下为台提供保护。本次座谈会由知名专家组成,将讨论美国的对台政策、两岸关系以及放弃战略模糊政策的前景。

中美5G全球竞争的幕后故事 Video

中美脱钩:谜团与现实 Video

The Future of U.S.-China Relations: Challenges and Opportunities of the COVID-19 Crisis Video
Since late 2019 the COVID-19 crisis has added a new level of complexity to an already tense U.S.-China relationship. As the health emergency spread from China to the United States and around the world, American and Chinese leaders have failed to…

未知的领域:与中国的美国问题专家共探中美关系 Video