U.S.-China Dialogue Podcast Acknowledgements
First, I want to thank all the participants in this oral history podcast for giving their time and thoughtful responses on handling relations between the United States and China. Some I have worked with over the years, others I only came to know through this project, but all believed in the value of relaying their personal experiences to build a foundation of knowledge for future generations.
The Georgetown University Initiative for U.S.-China Dialogue on Global Issues has been generous in its support of this project and for that I am grateful. With their backing, Thomas Banchoff and Dennis Wilder were able to let me turn this passion project into reality; Tuoya Wulan, Ana Reed, Leann Deckert, and Zhihang Du helped at many steps along the way.
Our audio producer Kerry Thompson was invaluable in turning a vague idea into polished final audio, with music and historical markers befitting the scope of this project. Jude Blanchette, despite the demands of his own book project, was unrelenting in his enthusiasm and guidance. A number of radio journalists and audio professionals provided technical and stylistic pointers on how to make the most of the effort. And friends and colleagues provided feedback which helped bring focus and narrative clarity. Thank you to all. Of course, any errors and omissions in the final product are mine alone.
Finally, I would like to dedicate this project to Alan Romberg, who was an early inspiration for these podcasts, but unfortunately passed away before it commenced. Throughout his decades in government and then in the think tank world, Alan provided guidance and mentorship to generations of officials and scholars trying to understand and interact with China. His voice will be missed.
James Green
March 28, 2019