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China Study Tour Alibaba

China Study Tour Program

The China Study Tour Program was a 10-day guided program that takes students to Beijing and two other cities in China. 

The program was open to graduate students from all disciplines interested in deepening their understanding of China. During this immersion experience, participants conducted site visits and met with national and local government officials and leaders from business, society, and the academy. Students also had opportunities to exchange views with peers from leading Chinese universities.

Three groups of Georgetown graduate students visited cities across China in 2017, 2018, and 2019. They held meetings with officials, business leaders, entrepreneurs, scholars, and students from a variety of organizations including the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Asian Infrastructure Investment Bank, China's Central Commission of Military, Baidu Corporation, Alibaba Group, Shanghai Institute for International Studies, as well as Peking University and Xiamen University, among others.

The study tour was organized in partnership with the China-United States Exchange Foundation in Hong Kong. The program ran through 2019.

Students in front of a pond holding Georgetown flag

Georgetown Graduate Students Explore China's Future

Eleven Georgetown graduate students took the unique opportunity this summer to get a glimpse of China’s economic future during a 10-day study tour. The theme of the study tour was China’s 40 years of “Reform and Opening Up”.
