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China and the Global South

China and the Global South

Launched in 2022, the initiative hosts virtual dialogues with experts about the evolution of China’s engagement with the Global South.

​​The panel discussions explore the continuity and divergence in China’s exchanges with different regions in the


Chinese Politics and Economy Research Seminar Series

The Chinese Politics and Economy Research Seminar (CPERS) brings scholars to Georgetown to share their latest research on China. Convened since 2021, the seminar series is sponsored by the Department of Government and the Georgetown Initiative for…

China and Global Governance

China and Global Governance

Not only has China boosted its financial contributions to international organizations, but it is steadily voicing its preferences and introducing new multilateral initiatives. 

In the 2023-2024 academic year, the Initiative for U.S.-China Dialogue on

U.S.-China ping pong tournament

U.S.-China People-to-People Diplomacy Series

Over the course of the 2021-2022 academic year, the initiative hosted virtual dialogues with experts about the evolution of U.S.-China people-to-people interactions.

The panel discussions explored trends across the arts, business, educational, legal…

Asia globe

Asia-Pacific Dialogue Series

Launched during the 2020-2021 academic year, the Initiative for U.S.-China Dialogue and the Asian Studies Program in the Walsh School of Foreign Service hosted a series of virtual and on-site dialogues about key players in the Asia-Pacific region and…

Shanghai sunset

"China's New Era" Seminar Series

Over the course of 2018-19 the Initiative sponsored a series of dialogues and events highlighting China's international relations and domestic developments in a shifting global context. The dialogues covered a range of topics including China's…

U.S. and China flags

Other Initiative Events

The initiative hosts a variety of on-site events, book talks, forums, and town halls covering different aspects of the U.S.-China relationship. These events address a range of topics including China’s economic development, China’s impact on the…

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