Dennis McNamara
Department of Sociology
Dennis McNamara, S.J., is the Park Professor of Sociology and Korean Studies in the Department of Sociology in the College of Arts & Sciences. He joined the Georgetown faculty in 1984, and was appointed as special assistant to the university president for China Affairs in 2007. He serves as a member of the faculty committee for the Initiative for U.S.-China Dialogue on Global Issues.
International activities include:
- Author of six books, most recently Business Innovation in Asia: Knowledge and Technology Networks from Japan
- Member of the Council on Foreign Relations and chairs the weekly Korea Seminar at the U.S. Foreign Service Institute Also involved in the International Studies Association and the International Sociological Association, where he has chaired the Economic Sociology Committee
- Holds a variety of visiting academic appointments across Asia, including as an adjunct professor in the Graduate School of International Studies at Sogang University in Seoul, and as a lecturer at Renmin and Fudan universities in China, Waseda, and Sophia universities in Tokyo, and Thammasat University in Bangkok