Mark Dallas
Union College
Mark Dallas is an associate professor of political science and Asian studies at Union College in New York. His research focuses on the role of global value chains in Chinese development, and he has developed several big data resources, including firm-level and industrial surveys, as well as a unique shipment trade database which records every import and export transaction of every firm in China. He is a participant in the Initiative for U.S.-China Dialogue on Global Issues faculty research group on business and trade.
- Worked as the An Wang Postdoctoral Fellow at Harvard University’s Fairbank Center for Chinese Studies and as a visiting scholar at the George Washington University Business School in the Department of Strategic Management and Public Policy.
- Previously a Fulbright visiting scholar at the School of Government at Beijing University and a visiting scholar at the Shandong Institute of East Asian Studies in Jinan, China.
- Has published in World Development, Review of International Political Economy, and Economy & Society, among others, and has a book manuscript in progress, Fragmented Development: China, East Asia and Emergent Global Production.
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