Shaohua Lei
Peking University
Shaohua Lei is an assistant professor at the School of International Studies at Peking University (PKU). Lei is also a senior research fellow at the Institute of International and Strategic Studies PKU. His research fields are Chinese politics and public policy, comparative studies on Chinese and foreign political systems, and Sino-U.S. relations. He is a participant in the Initiative for U.S.-China Dialogue on Global Issues Research Group on Managing Strategic Competition.
- Co-author of Social Protest in Contemporary China, 2003-2010: Transitional Pains and Regime Legitimacy (2014).
- Author of The U.S. National Counterterrorism System: Its Evolution and Current Situation (2015), Democracy, Democratization, and Dilemma of the American Democratic System (2016), and Sublimating Contentious Chinese Politics into Local Public Administration (2017).
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