Ning Leng
McCourt School of Public Policy
The Chinese Politics and Economy Research Seminar (CPERS) brings scholars to Georgetown to share their latest research on China. Convened since 2021, the seminar series is sponsored by the Department of Government and the Georgetown Initiative for U.S.-China Dialogue on Global Issues.
This seminar is academic in nature and jointly organized by professors Ning Leng and Lizhi Liu. If you are interested in giving an academic presentation, or being a discussant at the seminar, please contact one of the organizers.
When scholars and policymakers consider how technological advances affect the rise and fall of great powers, they draw on theories that center the moment of innovation - the eureka moment that sparks…
All authoritarian regimes attempt to construct a mainstream consensus to shape public opinion. Similarly, the Chinese government has actively managed online information flows to dominate the…
Lizhi Liu discussed her new book publication From Click to Boom: The Political Economy of E-Commerce in China (Princeton University Press, forthcoming 2024) in a talk moderated by Abraham Newman…
Meg Rithmire (Harvard Business School) discussed her recent book Precarious Ties: Business and the State in Authoritarian Asia (2023), a novel account of the relationships between business and…
Promotion incentive for China’s political elites is one of the driving forces behind decades of rapid economic growth. During this webinar Renmin University’s Huihua Nie will present a paper…
Please note this event was moved online due to inclement weather.
According to Johns Hopkins University professor Ho-fung Hung, the recent rivalry between the United States and China is more about…