Living in a Digital Age: How Young Chinese and Americans Can Employ Innovation to Resolve Global Issues Blog Post
It is said that your parents use digital tools whereas you live in the digital world. How can the millennial generation in U.S. and China employs innovations of the digital age to grapple with pressing global issues in an increasingly networked world? In these blog posts, the initiative's 2017-2018 student fellows offer a variety of perspectives and weigh the opportunities and challenges of growing up with the digital age.

Addressing Global Issues with Innovations of the Digital Age —A Case on Combating Internet Terrorism
Chenyu Wu | June 3, 2018

Developing Mutual Understanding in an Interconnected World
Yunxin Wang | June 1, 2018

Untapped Potential in the Digital Age
Michael Mullaney | May 30, 2018

Our Dual Role of Producer and Consumer in a Digital Age
Hongjin Xu | May 29, 2018

An Exchange in Entertainment Media
Cynthia Wang | May 28, 2018

Design Green Business Models with Technology
Ruolin Zhao | May 27, 2018

Growing Up with "Tech-sense" and What It Means for Solving Global Issues
Yamillet Payano | May 24, 2018

Artificial Intelligence, Algorithmic Bias, and Ethics
Jessie Dalman | May 23, 2018

Using Powerful Tools to Improve Our Potential and Magnify our Voices
Haile Chen | May 22, 2018