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Dennis Wilder

Georgetown University, School of Foreign Service

Dennis Wilder is a senior fellow for the Initiative for U.S.-China Dialogue on Global Issues at Georgetown University, where he previously served as the managing director. Wilder holds a B.A. from Kalamazoo College and an M.S. in foreign service from Georgetown University.

His accomplishments include:

  • Served as National Security Council's (NSC) director for China (2004-2005) and then as the NSC special assistant to the president and senior director for East Asian affairs from 2005 to 2009, which included a series of presidential trips to Asia, notably the 2008 Beijing Olympics.
  • Served from 2009 to 2015 as senior editor of the President’s Daily Brief, the worldwide intelligence update produced under auspices of the director of national intelligence.
  • Served from 2015 to 2016 as the CIA’s deputy assistant director for East Asia and the Pacific.
  • Spent the 1975-1976 academic year at New Asia College, Chinese University of Hong Kong studying Mandarin Chinese under the auspices of Yale-in-China.
  • Author of "We Need More Luddens" and "Managed Competition: Finding Answers in U.S.-China Diplomatic History."
  • Contributing author of Hand-Off: The Foreign Policy George W. Bush Passed to Barack Obama, which details the Bush administration’s national security and foreign policy as described at the time in then-classified Transition Memoranda.

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